Projects marked with (*) have been carried out outside HBCSE
Name of student | Title of Project | Batch | Mentor/(s) |
*Adrija Pal (IISER, Berhampur) | Superconductivity in Moiré Materials | XX | Rajdeep Sensarma (TIFR, Mumbai) |
*Deepshikha Singh (IISER, Kolkata) | Calculation of tunneling current across trapezoidal potential barrier | XIX | Vijay A. Singh (UM-DAE, CEBS, Mumbai) |
*Sayanho Biswas (IISER, Kolkata) | An Exact Approach to Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Using Quantum Mechanical Prescription | XIX | Kolahal Bhattacharya (St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata) |
*N Sneha (NISER, Bhubaneshwar) | Magnetohydrodynamic wave driven Kelvin- Helmholtz Instability | XIX | Vaibhav Pant and Dipankar Banerjee (ARIES, Nainital) |
*Rohan Kumar (IISER, Kolkata) | Probing high-frequency transverse waves in the solar atmosphere | XIX | Vaibhav Pant and Dipankar Banerjee (ARIES, Nainital) |
*Rupsa Dasgupta (St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai) | Heisenberg and The Atomic Bomb | XIX | Vijay A. Singh (UM-DAE, CEBS, Mumbai) |
*Soumyadeep Sarma (IISc Bengaluru) | A numerical study of the zeroes of the grand partition function of hard needles of length k on stripes of width k | XIX | Deepak Dhar (IISER, Pune) |
*Shreeja Bandyopadhyay (IIT, Madras) | Investigating Dynamics of Transients in Middle Solar Corona | XIX | Vaibhav Pant and Dipankar Banerjee (ARIES, Nainital) |
*Sharika Dhakappa (MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune) | Investigating Star-Formation with Gaia | XIX | Sarita Vig (IIST, Thiruvananthapuram) |
Shruti Pandharipande (IEHE, Bhopal) | Study of Ferrite Core Inductors and Transformers | XIX | Rajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Debanujan Nath (St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata) | Morphological Analysis of Thin Films grown by Chemical Route | XIX | Shamima Hussain (UGC-DAE, Consortium for Scientific Research, Kalpakkam) |
*Arghya Maity (IISER, Kolkata) | Morphological studies of semiconducting thin film | XVIII | Shamima Hussain (UGC-DAE, Consortium of Scientific Research, Kalpakkam) |
*Meldron Francis Almeida (St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai) | Energy Response of Scintillator / Semi-Conductor Detectors | XVIII | Sandeep S. Ghugre (UGC-DAE, Consortium of Scientific Research, Kolkata) |
*Swayam Das (St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai) | Generation of Hydroxyl Radicals in Electrical Discharge Plasma and Irradiation of Proteins | XVIII | P. Brijesh (UM-DAE, CEBS, Mumbai) |
Loraien Raju Kalathil (International School Of Photonics, CUSAT) | Use of an interdisciplinary approach for teaching school-level Astronomy | XVIII | Dr. Asmita Redij (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Harini Suresh Maruthi (IISER, Tirupati) | Development of Optical Flow technique to track coronal transients in inner corona | XVIII | Vaibhav Pant (ARIES, Nainital) |
*N. Arutkeerthi (IIT, Roorkee) | Development of Optical Flow technique to track coronal transients in inner corona | XVIII | Vaibhav Pant (ARIES, Nainital) |
*Hardik Kuralkar (IISER, Bhopal) | Assembly and Testing of WALOP Instruments | XVIII | A. N. Ramaprakash (IUCAA, Pune) |
*Atul Ashutosh Samanta (IISER, Bhopal) | Understanding Coronal heating using high fidelity low radio frequency solar images | XVIII | Divya Oberoi (NCRA, Pune) |
*Aikya Banerjee (IISER, Kolkata) | Shell Model in Two Dimensional Turbulence | XVIII | Samriddhi Sankar Ray (ICTS, Bengaluru) |
Name of student | Title of Project | Batch | Mentor/(s) |
*Srinjoy Ghosh (Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur) | Quantum Heat Engines in Condensed Matter Systems | XVII | Himadri Barman (Zhejiang University, China) |
Ashutosh Kumar Mishra (St. Stephen’s College, Delhi) | Understanding acoustic glitches using simple analytical models | XVII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Anhad Singh Kirpal Bagga (IISER, Tirupati) | Understanding acoustic glitches using simple analytical models | XVII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Agni Keyoor Purani (IIT, Kharagpur) | Symmetry Methods in Physics – Semi-simple Lie Groups: Root System and its Algebra | XVII | Ananda Dasgupta (IISER, Kolkata) |
*Shreya Umesh Prabhu (IISER, Thiruvanthapuram) | Study of the pulsars discovered with the GMRT | XVII | Bhaswati Bhattacharya (NCRA, Pune) |
*Pratyush Singh (BITS Pilani, Goa) | Searching archival data for Galactic FRBs (GMRT and VLA data) | XVII | Shriharsh Tendulkar (TIFR, Mumbai) |
*Anita Deka Baruah (IISER, Tirupati) | Radio Galaxy and its Interaction with the Hot Gas Environment (A10) | XVII | Dharam Vir Lal (NCRA, Pune) |
*Harshini Paranjape (IIT, Roorkee) | Real time detections of Fast Radio Bursts | XVII | Jayanta Roy (NCRA, Pune) |
*Vedant Bhutra (IISER, Bhopal) | A Strong Coupling Theory of Superconductivity with Spin-Orbit Interaction | XVII | Rajdeep Sensarma (TIFR, Mumbai) |
*Sarthak Sourav Dash (IISER, Bhopal) | Symmetry Methods in Physics – Frobenius Formula for characters of Symmetric group and Hook length formula | XVII | Ananda Dasgupta (IISER, Kolkata) |
*Ashesh Kumar Gupta (Jadavpur University, Kolkata) | Electronic Structure of Graphene | XVII | Vijay A. Singh (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) |
*Abhas Pradhan | Connecting Coronal Mass Ejections to their source regions to study their kinematics over different solar cycles | XVI | Dipankar Banerjee and Satabdwa Majumdar (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) |
*Arun Ravi (IISER, Pune) | Survey of the Pulsars Detected in the GMHRSS | XVI | Bhaswati Bhattacharyya (NCRA, Pune) |
*Adittya Pal (NISER, Bhubaneswar) | Speckle Correlation based Adaptive Optics for future large telescopes | XVI | A. N. Ramprakash (IUCAA, Pune) |
*Harsha Sudhakaran (IISER, Bhopal) | Interplay of Radio Galaxies with their Hot Gas environment | XVI | Dharam Vir Lal (NCRA, Pune) |
*Kavin Kumar (IISER, Bhopal) | Star-forming So Galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA: Fading Spirals Or Rejuvenated S0s? | XVI | Yogesh Wadadekar (NCRA, Pune) |
*Tanushree Bhattacharya (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata) | Study of evolution of Magnetic Activity over several past Solar Cycles | XVI | Dipanker Banerjee (ARIES, Nanital) |
*Himansh Rathod (IIT, Bombay) | Star-forming So Galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA: Fading Spirals Or Rejuvenated S0s? | XVI | Yogesh Wadadekar (NCRA, Pune) |
*Aarushi Rawat (Sri Venkateswara College, New Delhi) | Connecting Coronal Mass Ejections To Their Source Regions and Studying Their Kinematical Properties | XVI | Dipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore) |
*Barnali Das (IISER, Kolkata) | Study of the Pulsars Discovered with the GMRT High Resolution Southern Sky Survey | XVI | Bhaswati Bhattacharyya (NCRA, Pune) |
P.B. Harita (IISER, Pune) | Evolving a massive star and exploding it with a computer model | XVI | Alak Ray (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Tanya Wadhwa (Miranda house, Delhi) | Radio- Galaxies and its hot gas Environment | XVI | Dharam Vir Lal (NCRA, Pune) |
*Suriyaa Valliapan (IIT, Madras) | A tale of two kinds of exceptional point in a hydrogen molecule | XV | Himadri Barman (Zhejiang University, Hanjzhou, People’s Republic of China) |
*Rajat Chandra Mishra (St. Stephens College, University of Delhi) | Effective resistances of two dimensional resistor networks | XV | Himadri Barman (Zhejiang University, Hanjzhou, People’s Republic of China) |
Shatanik Bhattacharya (Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Kolkata) | Asteroseismology of Solar-Type Oscillators | XV | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Ritwick Ghosh (IISER, Pune) | Maximal Bell Correlation and Seperability Inequalities | XV | S. M. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Chaithanya Krishna Moorthy (IIT, Madras) | Building Datafile and Tools for the GAIA Spacecraft Data | XV | Sourav Chatterjee (TIFR, Mumbai) |
K. Karthick Ramanathan (IIST, Thiruvananthapuram) | Impact of observational uncertainties on stellar parameters estimated using Grid-Based Asteroseismology | XV | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Sparsh Sinha (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) | Rainbow and Acidrain | XIV | Ajit Srivastava (IOP, Bhubaneshwar) and Rajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Anshuman Das (University of Hyderabad) | Multiwavelength study of Galactic star forming Regions | XIV | D. K. Ojha (TIFR, Mumbai) |
*Ishita Chaturvedi (Venkateshwara College, Delhi) | Development of a transient search pipeline for real time detection of transient search pipeline for real time detection of transient events using the GMRT telescope | XIV | Yashwant Gupta (NCRA, Pune) |
Sarvesh Kumar Upadhyay (IISER, Bhopal) | Identification and Characterization of Mixed Modes | XIV | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Rakshita T (IISER, Pune) | Identification and Characterization of Mixed Modes | XIV | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Shruti Tandon (IIT, Madras) | Quantum-Confined Stark Effect and BenDaniel-Duke Boundary Condition | XIV | Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Sayak Biswas (IISER, Kolkata) | Electronic structure of a 2D Quantum Dot in a transverse magnetic field | XIV | Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Sriram Gopalakrishnan (IIT, Madras) | Electronic structure of a 2D Quantum Dot in a transverse magnetic field | XIV | Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Saipriya Satyajit (IIT, Bombay) | Non destructive discrimination of a new family of highly entangled states in IBM quantum computer | XIV | Prasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) |
Saptarshi Biswas (IISER, Kolkata) | Super-Current distribution over thin Superconducting films in response to a dipolar drive coil | XIV | Sitikantha Das (IIT, Kharagpur) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Susobhan Chattopadhyay (IIT, Kharagpur) | Eigenfunctions of Rhombus Billiard | XIV | Sudhir Jain (BARC, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Karthik Srinivasan (IIT, Madras) | Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem: An IBM Quantum Experience | XIV | Prasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) |
*Priyanka Iyer (St. Stephen’s College, Delhi) | Automated detection of Coronal mass Ejections using Parabolic Hough Transform | XIV | Dipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore) |
*Arunima (St. Stephen’s College, Delhi) | Forward modelling of Coronal Mass Ejections using Secchi data | XIV | Prasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) |
Rathindra Nath Das (Ramkrishna Mission Residential College, Kolkata) | Mirage in Geometrical Optics and the Horizontal Ray | XIV | Rajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) and Ajit M. Srivastava (IOP, Bhubaneshwar) |
Dhiman Biswas (Ramkrishna Mission Residential College, Kolkata) | Mirage in Geometrical Optics and the Horizontal Ray | XIV | Rajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) and Ajit M. Srivastava (IOP, Bhubaneshwar) |
Simran Chourasia (NISER, Bhubaneswar) | Mirage in Geometrical Optics and the Horizontal Ray | XIV | Rajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) and Ajit M. Srivastava (IOP, Bhubaneshwar) |
*Anwesha Maharana (IISER, Pune) | Study of angular width of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) during its propagation in interplanetary medium | XIII | Dipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore) |
Radhika Prasad (Miranda House, University of Delhi) | Low-cost method of determination of wavelength using Tracker | XIII | Rajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Anuradha Gupta (St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata) | Low-cost method of determination of wavelength using Tracker | XIII | Rajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Radhika A C (IISER Pune) | Estimating the extent of convective cores | XIII | Dipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore) |
*Saloni Deepak (St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata) | Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections | XIII | Dipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore) |
*Amolak Ratan Kalra (Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra) | The Runge Lenz Vector in classical and quantum mechanics | XIII | Sunil Datta (formerly BARC, Mumbai) and Vijay Singh (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) |
*Renu Raman Sahu (NISER, Bhubhaneshwar) | Adiabatic processes in elementary physics | XIII | Vijay Singh (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) |
Name of student | Title of Project | Batch | Mentor/(s) |
Anwesh Bhattacharya (IISER, Pune) | Astereoseismology: Analysis of the solar-type star ‘kic008006161 | XII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Kshitij Patil (KJSSC & KJSCE, Mumbai) | Astereoseismology: Analysis of the solar-type star ‘kic008006161 | XII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Ankur Chauhan (Hansraj College, Delhi) | Kinematics of slow and fast CMEs | XII | Dipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore) |
Smruti Manjunath (Women’s Christian College, Chennai) | Atmosphere accelerator and reactor-neutrino oscillation | XII | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Unnati Akhouri (Miranda House, Delhi) | Atmosphere accelerator and reactor-neutrino oscillation | XII | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Smriti Suman (IISc, Bangalore) | The Quantum-Classical Correspondence for a particle in a constant field | XII | Vijay Singh (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) and Sumita Singh (Patna University, Patna) |
Subhajit Sinha (St. Xaviers College, Kolkata) | Interplay of atmospheric reactor and accelerator neutrino oscillations | XI | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Goutam Sharma (Hansraj College, Delhi) | Interplay of atmospheric reactor and accelerator neutrino oscillations | XI | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Zafri Ahmed Barbaruah (Tezpur University) | P and T violation and electric dipole moment of deuteron | XI | Arvind Kumar (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Saurabh Kadam (IISER, Pune) | P and T violation and electric dipole moment of deuteron | XI | Arvind Kumar (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Niyati Venkateshan (Women’s Christian College, Chennai) | Solar and reactor neutrino oscillation | XI | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Somadutta Bhatta (NISER, Bhubhaneswar) | Solar and reactor neutrino oscillation | XI | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Virendra Ranga (Hansraj College, Delhi) | Solar and reactor neutrino oscillation in 2 and 3 neutrino mixing formalism | X | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Renita Saldanha (V. G. Vaze College, Mumbai) | Solar and reactor neutrino oscillation in 2 and 3 neutrino mixing formalism | X | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Akshay S (IISER, Pune) | Solar imaging using the Murchison Widefield Array | X | Divya Oberoi (NCRA, Pune) |
*Ananya Mondal (IISER, Kolkata) | Study of Chaos in a spring pendulum | X | Jayanta Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad) |
*Payel Mukhopadhyay (IISER, Kolkata) | Dynamics of a spring pendulum | X | Jayanta Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad) |
*Vineeth S. Bhaskara (IIT, Guwahati) | Generalised Concurrence for multiple pure quantum states using lagrange’s identity and wedge product | X | P. K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) |
Priyanga G (NISER, Bhubhaneswar) | Measurement of electron mass using Compton scattering | X | P. K. Joshi (HBCSE, Mumbai) and Rudrajyoti Palit (TIFR, Mumbai) |
Sourav Sarkar (IISER, Kolkata) | Atmospheric neutrino mass and mixing angles in 2-neutrino and 3-neutrino oscillation formalisms | IX | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Leya Lopez (IISER, Kolkata) | Electronic properties of semiconductor nanostructures | IX | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Subrata Mandal (IISER, Kolkata) | Geometric measures and applications of quantum entanglement | IX | Prasanta Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Sachin Grover (GTB Khalsa College, Delhi) | Soliton solutions of non-linear Schrodinger equations with periodic boundary conditions | IX | Vivek Vyas (IMSc, Chennai) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Name of student | Title of Project | Batch | Mentor/(s) |
*Sainyam Galhotra (IIT, Delhi) |
Turing–Hopf instabilities through a combination of diffusion, advection, and finite size effects | VIII | J. K. Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad) |
*Mruganka Kashyap (IIT, Kharagpur) |
Astrochemistry: Far-IR absorption and emission spectroscopy of the ISM with Herschel Space Observatory | VIII |
Bhaswati Mookerjea (TIFR, Mumbai) |
G. V. S Vaishnavi (IIT Madras) |
Light Coupling in Quasi Periodic Waveguide Arrays | VIII |
Achanta Venugopal (TIFR, Mumbai) and Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Kapil Kishor Bhorkar (V. G. Vaze College, Mumbai) |
Fabry-Perot Plasmon modes at Metal Dielectric Interface | VIII |
Achanta Venugopal (TIFR, Mumbai) and Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Ninad R. Jetty (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) | Novel cases of diffraction of light from a grating: Theory and Experiment | VIII | Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Akash Suman (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) | Novel cases of diffraction of light from a grating: Theory and Experiment | VIII | Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Y. S. Akshay (IISER, Pune) | Calculation of Relic Abundance of Dark Matter from Cosmology | VIII |
Subhendra Mohanty (PRL, Ahmedabad) and D. P. Roy, (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Ananya Rastogi (IISER, Mohali) | Study of Glycolytic Oscillator | VIII |
Jayanta Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Abhishek Kumar (Patna Science College, Patna) | Complex Hamiltonian and its Trajectories | VIII |
Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Abhisek Datta (IIT, Kharagpur) | Asteroseismology of Red Giant Stars | VIII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Nitica Sakharwade (IIT, Kanpur) | Remote tomography and entanglement Swapping via von Neumann-Arthurs-Kelly | VIII | S. M. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Abhinav Deshpande (IIT, Kanpur) | Remote tomography and entanglement swapping via von Neumann-Arthurs-Kelly | VIII | S. M. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Umang Gupta (IIT, Delhi) |
Asteroseismology of red giant stars | VIII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Aashay Patil (IISER, Pune) | Analysis of the Opera Results And Its Implications On Theory | VII |
Subhendra Mohanty (PRL, Ahmedabad) and D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Suraj Chawla (IISER, Pune) | Analysis of Dark Matter Detection and Opera Neutrino Experiments | VII |
Subhendra Mohanty (PRL, Ahmedabad) and D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Chiranjit Mitra (IISER, Kolkata) | Atmospheric Neutrino | VII | D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Shilpi Singh (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) | Approximate approaches to the one dimensional finite potential well | VII |
Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Manu Mannattil (IIT, Kanpur) | Gas Outflows From Galaxies | VII | Biman Nath (RRI, Bengaluru) |
Panchali Nag (St. Xavier’s College Kolkata) | Seismic Modelling of CoRoT star | VII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Rahul Makhijani (IIT, Mumbai) | An Approach to Photoluminescence Spectra of InAs quantum dots | VII | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Anindya Sengupta (IISER, Kolkata) | Dynamic Aspects of Axisymmetric Accretion | VII | Arnab Ray (Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guna) |
*Soumyajit Bose (IIT, Kanpur) | Dynamic Aspects in Accretion Processes | VII | Arnab Ray (Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guna) |
*Debashis Saha (IISER, Kolkata) |
Quantum Communication Protocols | VII | Prasanta Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) |
Tamaghna Hazra (IIT, Kanpur) | Red Giant Asteroseismology | VII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Jayant Thatte (IIT, Chennai) | Red Giant Asteroseismology | VII | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
P. Shruthi | Physics of Neutrino mass mixing and oscillation | VI | D.P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Himanshu Raj | Solar Neutrinos and Neutrino oscillations | VI | D.P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Sukhdeep Singh | Dark Matter in Galaxies And IV | VI | J. Chengalur (NCRA, Pune) |
Jishnu Bhattacharya (IIT, Kanpur) | Asteroseismic Analysis Of Solar Type Stars | VI | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Rishab Ramani (IIT, Madras) | Quantum Systems and Disorders | VI | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Sourav Sen (IISER, Kolkata) | Nonlinear Variations in Spherically Symmetric Accretion | VI | Arnab Ray (Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guna) |
Tushar Shrotiya (IISER, Pune) | Asteroseismic analysis of solar type stars | VI | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Akshay Subramaniam (IIT Madras) | Asteroseismic analysis of solar type stars | VI | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Mohit Ashwani (Patna Science College) | A study of Complex Energy Systems with Basic Potential Wells | VI |
Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Harish Ravishankar (IIT, Chennai) | Experimental Study with Simple DC Motors |
V |
Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Pratyush Pandey (IIT, Kanpur) | Unconventional Applications of Information Theory | V | Prasanta Panigrahi (IISER Kolkata) |
*Mohammad Sharique (Christ Church College, Kanpur) | The Study of Spherical and Chromatic Aberration of Lenses | V | Mansih Kapoor (Christ Church College, Kanpur) |
*Saket Patkar (IIT, Bombay) |
A Non-Hermitian Circular Billiard |
V | Sudhir Jain (BARC, Mumbai) |
Abhinav Sinha (IIT, Bombay) | Electronic Structure of a 2D QD | V |
Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Saumya (St. Stephen’s College, Delhi) | Landau Theory of phase transition | V | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Joe Philip Ninan | Photometric analysis of Mcneils nebula | V | D. Ojha (TIFR, Mumbai) |
Viraj B. Deshpande (IIT,Bombay) | Seismic Dignostics for B Cephei Stars | V | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Sakshi Jain (IIT, Bombay) | Square Quantum Conservation through non-destructive discrimination of highly entangled multipartite state | V | Prasanta Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) |
Name of student | Title of Project | Batch | Mentor/(s) |
Raghu Mahajan (IIT, Delhi) | Effective Mass Theory of a Two-Dimensional Quantum Dot in the Presence of Magnetic Field | IV | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Vinay Uppal (IIT, Bombay) | Exploring Black Hole Physics via Dimensional Analysis | IV | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Swetamber Prakash Das (Patna Science College) | On the Lorenz Model and the Complex Lorenz Model | IV | Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Asutosh Kumar (Patna Science College) |
Chaotic Pendulums | IV | Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Utsav Mishra (Christ Church College) | Development of Innovative and High end Optics for Undergraduate Students: The Study of Dispersion | IV | Manish Kapoor (Christ Church College, Kanpur) |
*Shubahjit Paul (Malad College, West Bengal) | Galactic Matler Distribution: Where is the Dark Matter | IV | Ajay Patwardhan (formerly St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai) |
Siddharth Prabhu (IIT, Kharagpur) | Asteroseismology as a pointer to solar abundances | IV | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Lovy Singhal (IIT, Kanpur) | Asteroseismology as a pointer to solar abundances | IV | Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Ajit C. Balram | Study of some unexplored aspects of three experiments in physics | IV | D. A. Desai (D. G. Ruparel College, Mumbai) |
Himanshu Asnani (IIT, Bombay) | Ben Daniel – Duke Boundary Condition: A Two Dimensional Analysis | III | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Dr. Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Akashdeep Kamra (IIT, Kanpur) | Coulomb Blockade Distribution for a Disordered Ensemble of Quantum Dots | III | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Sreraman Murlidharan (Loyola College, Chennai) | Quantum-Information Splitting Using Multipartite Cluster States | III | Prasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata) |
K. K. Chaitanya (IIT, Kanpur) | Quantum Effects of Fullerenes in Earth’s Gravitational Field | II | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Balchandra Suri (IIT, Kharagpur) | Effective Mass Theory in Nanostructures | II | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Anish Kumar Kaushal (Govt. Mahindra College, Patiala) | Superconducting Vortices Based Memory Devices | II | Ajay Patwardhan (formerly St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai) |
Sudeep Kamath (IIT, Bombay) | The Mossbauer Effect | II | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Anjul Patney (IIT, Delhi) | Computational Study of Semiconductor Clusters | I | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Prateek Gupta (IIT, Bombay) | LCAO Approach to Nanostructures | I | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Garima Saraswat (Govt. Science College, Raipur) | Quantum Transmission in Periodic Potential | I | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Abhishek Lakhina (St. Xavier College, Mumbai) | Monte Carlo Evaluation of Mathematical Constants | I | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Luv Kumar (IIT, Bombay) | Effective Mass Theory Approach to Quantum Dots | I | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Tarun Grover (IIT, Kanpur) | Size Dependence of the Mossbauer Effect in One Dimension | I | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
Oscar Castellino (St. Xavier College, Mumbai) | Scaling Laws in Biological Phenomena | I | Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) |
*Angik Sarkar (IIT, Kharagpur) | Quantum Logic Processor | I | Ajay Patwardhan (formerly St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai) |