Completed Projects

Projects marked with (*) have been carried out outside HBCSE

Name of studentTitle of ProjectBatchMentor/(s)
*Adrija Pal
(IISER, Berhampur)
Superconductivity in Moiré MaterialsXXRajdeep Sensarma
(TIFR, Mumbai)
*Deepshikha Singh
(IISER, Kolkata)
Calculation of tunneling current across trapezoidal
potential barrier
XIXVijay A. Singh
(UM-DAE, CEBS, Mumbai)
*Sayanho Biswas
(IISER, Kolkata)
An Exact Approach to Frustrated Total Internal
Reflection Using Quantum Mechanical Prescription
(St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata)
*N Sneha
(NISER, Bhubaneshwar)
Magnetohydrodynamic wave driven Kelvin-
Helmholtz Instability
XIXVaibhav Pant and
Dipankar Banerjee
(ARIES, Nainital)
*Rohan Kumar
(IISER, Kolkata)
Probing high-frequency transverse waves in the solar atmosphereXIXVaibhav Pant and
Dipankar Banerjee
(ARIES, Nainital)
*Rupsa Dasgupta
(St. Xavier’s
College, Mumbai)
Heisenberg and The Atomic BombXIXVijay A. Singh
(UM-DAE, CEBS, Mumbai)
*Soumyadeep Sarma
(IISc Bengaluru)
A numerical study of the zeroes of the grand partition function of hard needles of length k on stripes of width kXIXDeepak Dhar
(IISER, Pune)
*Shreeja Bandyopadhyay
(IIT, Madras)
Investigating Dynamics of Transients in Middle Solar CoronaXIXVaibhav Pant and
Dipankar Banerjee
(ARIES, Nainital)
*Sharika Dhakappa
(MES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune)
Investigating Star-Formation with GaiaXIXSarita Vig
(IIST, Thiruvananthapuram)
Shruti Pandharipande
(IEHE, Bhopal)
Study of Ferrite Core Inductors and TransformersXIXRajesh B. Khaparde
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Debanujan Nath
(St. Xavier’s
College, Kolkata)
Morphological Analysis of Thin Films grown by Chemical RouteXIXShamima Hussain
(UGC-DAE, Consortium for Scientific Research, Kalpakkam)
*Arghya Maity
(IISER, Kolkata)
Morphological studies of semiconducting thin filmXVIIIShamima Hussain
(UGC-DAE, Consortium of Scientific Research, Kalpakkam)
*Meldron Francis Almeida
(St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai)
Energy Response of Scintillator / Semi-Conductor DetectorsXVIIISandeep S. Ghugre
(UGC-DAE, Consortium of Scientific Research, Kolkata)
*Swayam Das
(St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai)
Generation of Hydroxyl Radicals in Electrical Discharge Plasma and Irradiation of ProteinsXVIIIP. Brijesh
(UM-DAE, CEBS, Mumbai)
Loraien Raju Kalathil
(International School Of Photonics, CUSAT)
Use of an interdisciplinary approach for teaching school-level AstronomyXVIIIDr. Asmita Redij
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Harini Suresh Maruthi
(IISER, Tirupati)
Development of Optical Flow technique to track coronal transients in inner coronaXVIII Vaibhav Pant
(ARIES, Nainital)
*N. Arutkeerthi
(IIT, Roorkee)
Development of Optical Flow technique to track coronal transients in inner coronaXVIII Vaibhav Pant
(ARIES, Nainital)
*Hardik Kuralkar
(IISER, Bhopal)
Assembly and Testing of WALOP
XVIII A. N. Ramaprakash
(IUCAA, Pune)
*Atul Ashutosh Samanta
(IISER, Bhopal)
Understanding Coronal heating using high
fidelity low radio frequency solar images
XVIII Divya Oberoi
(NCRA, Pune)
*Aikya Banerjee
(IISER, Kolkata)
Shell Model in Two Dimensional TurbulenceXVIII Samriddhi Sankar Ray
(ICTS, Bengaluru)
Name of studentTitle of ProjectBatchMentor/(s)
*Srinjoy Ghosh
(Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur)
Quantum Heat Engines in Condensed Matter SystemsXVIIHimadri Barman
(Zhejiang University, China)
Ashutosh Kumar Mishra
(St. Stephen’s College, Delhi)
Understanding acoustic glitches using simple analytical modelsXVIIAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Anhad Singh Kirpal Bagga (IISER, Tirupati)Understanding acoustic glitches using simple analytical modelsXVIIAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Agni Keyoor Purani
(IIT, Kharagpur)
Symmetry Methods in Physics – Semi-simple Lie Groups: Root System and its AlgebraXVIIAnanda Dasgupta (IISER, Kolkata)
*Shreya Umesh Prabhu (IISER, Thiruvanthapuram)Study of the pulsars discovered with the GMRTXVIIBhaswati Bhattacharya (NCRA, Pune)
*Pratyush Singh
(BITS Pilani, Goa)
Searching archival data for Galactic FRBs (GMRT and VLA data)XVIIShriharsh Tendulkar (TIFR, Mumbai)
*Anita Deka Baruah
(IISER, Tirupati)
Radio Galaxy and its Interaction with the Hot Gas
Environment (A10)
XVIIDharam Vir Lal (NCRA, Pune)
*Harshini Paranjape
(IIT, Roorkee)
Real time detections of Fast Radio BurstsXVIIJayanta Roy (NCRA, Pune)
*Vedant Bhutra
(IISER, Bhopal)
A Strong Coupling Theory of Superconductivity with Spin-Orbit InteractionXVIIRajdeep Sensarma (TIFR, Mumbai)
*Sarthak Sourav Dash (IISER, Bhopal)Symmetry Methods in Physics – Frobenius Formula for characters of Symmetric group and Hook length formulaXVIIAnanda Dasgupta (IISER, Kolkata)
*Ashesh Kumar Gupta (Jadavpur University, Kolkata)Electronic Structure of GrapheneXVIIVijay A. Singh
(UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai)
*Abhas PradhanConnecting Coronal Mass Ejections to their source regions to study their kinematics over different solar cyclesXVIDipankar Banerjee and
Satabdwa Majumdar
(Indian Institute of Astrophysics)
*Arun Ravi
(IISER, Pune)
Survey of the Pulsars Detected in the GMHRSSXVIBhaswati Bhattacharyya
(NCRA, Pune)
*Adittya Pal
(NISER, Bhubaneswar)
Speckle Correlation based Adaptive Optics for future large telescopesXVIA. N. Ramprakash (IUCAA, Pune)
*Harsha Sudhakaran
(IISER, Bhopal)
Interplay of Radio Galaxies with their Hot Gas environmentXVIDharam Vir Lal
(NCRA, Pune)
*Kavin Kumar
(IISER, Bhopal)
Star-forming So Galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA: Fading Spirals Or Rejuvenated S0s?XVIYogesh Wadadekar (NCRA, Pune)
*Tanushree Bhattacharya (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata)Study of evolution of Magnetic Activity over several past Solar CyclesXVIDipanker Banerjee (ARIES, Nanital)
*Himansh Rathod
(IIT, Bombay)
Star-forming So Galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA: Fading Spirals Or Rejuvenated S0s?XVIYogesh Wadadekar (NCRA, Pune)
*Aarushi Rawat
(Sri Venkateswara College, New Delhi)
Connecting Coronal Mass Ejections To Their Source Regions and Studying Their Kinematical PropertiesXVIDipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore)
*Barnali Das
(IISER, Kolkata)
Study of the Pulsars Discovered with the GMRT High Resolution Southern Sky SurveyXVIBhaswati Bhattacharyya
(NCRA, Pune)
P.B. Harita
(IISER, Pune)
Evolving a massive star and exploding it with a computer modelXVIAlak Ray
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Tanya Wadhwa
(Miranda house, Delhi)
Radio- Galaxies and its hot gas EnvironmentXVIDharam Vir Lal
(NCRA, Pune)
*Suriyaa Valliapan
(IIT, Madras)
A tale of two kinds of exceptional point in a hydrogen moleculeXVHimadri Barman (Zhejiang University, Hanjzhou, People’s Republic of China)
*Rajat Chandra Mishra
(St. Stephens College, University of Delhi)
Effective resistances of two dimensional resistor networksXVHimadri Barman (Zhejiang University, Hanjzhou, People’s Republic of China)
Shatanik Bhattacharya (Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Kolkata)Asteroseismology of Solar-Type OscillatorsXVAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Ritwick Ghosh
(IISER, Pune)
Maximal Bell Correlation and Seperability InequalitiesXVS. M. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Chaithanya Krishna Moorthy (IIT, Madras)Building Datafile and Tools for the GAIA Spacecraft DataXVSourav Chatterjee (TIFR, Mumbai)
K. Karthick Ramanathan (IIST, Thiruvananthapuram)Impact of observational uncertainties on stellar parameters estimated using Grid-Based AsteroseismologyXVAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Sparsh Sinha
(UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai)
Rainbow and AcidrainXIVAjit Srivastava
(IOP, Bhubaneshwar) and Rajesh B. Khaparde
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Anshuman Das
(University of Hyderabad)
Multiwavelength study of Galactic star forming RegionsXIVD. K. Ojha
(TIFR, Mumbai)
*Ishita Chaturvedi (Venkateshwara College, Delhi)Development of a transient search pipeline for real time detection of transient search pipeline for real time detection of transient events using the GMRT telescopeXIVYashwant Gupta (NCRA, Pune)
Sarvesh Kumar Upadhyay (IISER, Bhopal)Identification and Characterization of Mixed ModesXIVAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Rakshita T
(IISER, Pune)
Identification and Characterization of Mixed ModesXIVAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Shruti Tandon
(IIT, Madras)
Quantum-Confined Stark Effect and BenDaniel-Duke Boundary ConditionXIVPraveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Sayak Biswas
(IISER, Kolkata)
Electronic structure of a 2D Quantum Dot in a transverse magnetic fieldXIVPraveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Sriram Gopalakrishnan
(IIT, Madras)
Electronic structure of a 2D Quantum Dot in a transverse magnetic fieldXIVPraveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Saipriya Satyajit
(IIT, Bombay)
Non destructive discrimination of a new family of highly entangled states in IBM quantum computerXIVPrasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata)
Saptarshi Biswas
(IISER, Kolkata)
Super-Current distribution over thin Superconducting films in response to a dipolar drive coilXIVSitikantha Das
(IIT, Kharagpur) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Susobhan Chattopadhyay (IIT, Kharagpur)Eigenfunctions of Rhombus BilliardXIVSudhir Jain
(BARC, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Karthik Srinivasan
(IIT, Madras)
Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem: An IBM Quantum ExperienceXIVPrasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata)
*Priyanka Iyer
(St. Stephen’s College, Delhi)
Automated detection of Coronal mass Ejections using Parabolic Hough TransformXIVDipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore)
(St. Stephen’s College, Delhi)
Forward modelling of Coronal Mass Ejections using Secchi dataXIVPrasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata)
Rathindra Nath Das (Ramkrishna Mission Residential College, Kolkata)Mirage in Geometrical Optics and the Horizontal RayXIVRajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) and Ajit M. Srivastava
(IOP, Bhubaneshwar)
Dhiman Biswas
(Ramkrishna Mission Residential College, Kolkata)
Mirage in Geometrical Optics and the Horizontal RayXIVRajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) and Ajit M. Srivastava
(IOP, Bhubaneshwar)
Simran Chourasia
(NISER, Bhubaneswar)
Mirage in Geometrical Optics and the Horizontal RayXIVRajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai) and Ajit M. Srivastava
(IOP, Bhubaneshwar)
*Anwesha Maharana
(IISER, Pune)
Study of angular width of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) during its propagation in interplanetary mediumXIIIDipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore)
Radhika Prasad
(Miranda House, University of Delhi)
Low-cost method of determination of wavelength using TrackerXIIIRajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Anuradha Gupta
(St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata)
Low-cost method of determination of wavelength using TrackerXIIIRajesh B. Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Radhika A C
(IISER Pune)
Estimating the extent of convective coresXIIIDipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore)
*Saloni Deepak
(St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata)
Initiation of Coronal Mass EjectionsXIIIDipankar Banerjee (IIA, Bangalore)
*Amolak Ratan Kalra (Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra)The Runge Lenz Vector in classical and quantum mechanicsXIIISunil Datta
(formerly BARC, Mumbai) and
Vijay Singh
(UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai)
*Renu Raman Sahu
(NISER, Bhubhaneshwar)
Adiabatic processes in elementary physicsXIIIVijay Singh
(UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai)
Name of studentTitle of ProjectBatchMentor/(s)
Anwesh Bhattacharya (IISER, Pune)Astereoseismology: Analysis of the solar-type star ‘kic008006161XIIAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Kshitij Patil
(KJSSC & KJSCE, Mumbai)
Astereoseismology: Analysis of the solar-type star ‘kic008006161XIIAnwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Ankur Chauhan (Hansraj College, Delhi)Kinematics of slow and fast CMEsXIIDipankar Banerjee
(IIA, Bangalore)
Smruti Manjunath
(Women’s Christian College, Chennai)
Atmosphere accelerator and reactor-neutrino oscillationXIID. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
Unnati Akhouri (Miranda House, Delhi)Atmosphere accelerator and reactor-neutrino oscillationXIID. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Smriti Suman
(IISc, Bangalore)
The Quantum-Classical Correspondence for a particle in a constant fieldXIIVijay Singh
(UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) and Sumita Singh
(Patna University, Patna)
Subhajit Sinha
(St. Xaviers College, Kolkata)
Interplay of atmospheric reactor and accelerator neutrino oscillationsXID. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
Goutam Sharma
(Hansraj College, Delhi)
Interplay of atmospheric reactor and accelerator neutrino oscillationsXID. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
Zafri Ahmed Barbaruah
(Tezpur University)
P and T violation and electric dipole moment of deuteronXIArvind Kumar
(formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Saurabh Kadam (IISER, Pune)P and T violation and electric dipole moment of deuteronXIArvind Kumar
(formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Niyati Venkateshan
(Women’s Christian College, Chennai)
Solar and reactor neutrino oscillationXID. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
Somadutta Bhatta
(NISER, Bhubhaneswar)
Solar and reactor neutrino oscillationXID. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
Virendra Ranga
(Hansraj College, Delhi)
Solar and reactor neutrino oscillation in 2 and 3 neutrino mixing formalismXD. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
Renita Saldanha
(V. G. Vaze College, Mumbai)
Solar and reactor neutrino oscillation in 2 and 3 neutrino mixing formalismXD. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Akshay S
(IISER, Pune)
Solar imaging using the Murchison Widefield ArrayXDivya Oberoi
(NCRA, Pune)
*Ananya Mondal
(IISER, Kolkata)
Study of Chaos in a spring pendulumXJayanta Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad)
*Payel Mukhopadhyay (IISER, Kolkata)Dynamics of a spring pendulumXJayanta Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad)
*Vineeth S. Bhaskara
(IIT, Guwahati)
Generalised Concurrence for multiple pure quantum states using lagrange’s identity and wedge productXP. K. Panigrahi
(IISER, Kolkata)
Priyanga G
(NISER, Bhubhaneswar)
Measurement of electron mass using Compton scatteringXP. K. Joshi
(HBCSE, Mumbai) and
Rudrajyoti Palit
(TIFR, Mumbai)
Sourav Sarkar
(IISER, Kolkata)
Atmospheric neutrino mass and mixing angles in 2-neutrino and 3-neutrino oscillation formalismsIXD. P. Roy
(HBCSE, Mumbai)
Leya Lopez
(IISER, Kolkata)
Electronic properties of semiconductor nanostructuresIXVijay Singh
(formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Subrata Mandal
(IISER, Kolkata)
Geometric measures and applications of quantum entanglementIXPrasanta Panigrahi
(IISER, Kolkata) and 
Vijay Singh
(formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Sachin Grover
(GTB Khalsa College, Delhi)
Soliton solutions of non-linear Schrodinger equations with periodic boundary conditionsIXVivek Vyas
(IMSc, Chennai) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Name of student Title of Project Batch Mentor/(s)
*Sainyam Galhotra
(IIT, Delhi)
Turing–Hopf instabilities through a combination of diffusion, advection, and finite size effects VIII J. K. Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad)
*Mruganka Kashyap
(IIT, Kharagpur)
Astrochemistry: Far-IR absorption and emission spectroscopy of the ISM with Herschel Space Observatory VIII

Bhaswati Mookerjea (TIFR, Mumbai)

G. V. S Vaishnavi
(IIT Madras)
Light Coupling in Quasi Periodic Waveguide Arrays VIII

Achanta Venugopal (TIFR, Mumbai) and Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai)

Kapil Kishor Bhorkar
(V. G. Vaze College, Mumbai)
Fabry-Perot Plasmon modes at Metal Dielectric Interface VIII

Achanta Venugopal (TIFR, Mumbai) and  Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai)

Ninad R. Jetty (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) Novel cases of diffraction of light from a grating: Theory and Experiment VIII Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Akash Suman (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) Novel cases of diffraction of light from a grating: Theory and Experiment VIII Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Y. S. Akshay (IISER, Pune) Calculation of Relic Abundance of Dark Matter from Cosmology VIII

Subhendra Mohanty (PRL, Ahmedabad) and D. P. Roy, (HBCSE, Mumbai)

Ananya Rastogi (IISER, Mohali) Study of Glycolytic Oscillator VIII

Jayanta Bhattacharjee (HRI, Allahabad) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)

Abhishek Kumar (Patna Science College, Patna) Complex Hamiltonian and its Trajectories VIII

Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)

Abhisek Datta (IIT, Kharagpur) Asteroseismology of Red Giant Stars VIII Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Nitica Sakharwade (IIT, Kanpur) Remote tomography and entanglement Swapping via von Neumann-Arthurs-Kelly VIII S. M. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Abhinav Deshpande (IIT, Kanpur) Remote tomography and entanglement swapping via von Neumann-Arthurs-Kelly VIII S. M. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Umang Gupta
(IIT, Delhi)
Asteroseismology of red giant stars VIII Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Aashay Patil (IISER, Pune) Analysis of the Opera Results And Its Implications On Theory VII

Subhendra Mohanty (PRL, Ahmedabad) and D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai)

Suraj Chawla (IISER, Pune) Analysis of Dark Matter Detection and Opera Neutrino Experiments VII

Subhendra Mohanty (PRL, Ahmedabad) and D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai)

Chiranjit Mitra (IISER, Kolkata) Atmospheric Neutrino VII D. P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Shilpi Singh (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai) Approximate approaches to the one dimensional finite potential well VII

Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)

*Manu Mannattil (IIT, Kanpur) Gas Outflows From Galaxies VII Biman Nath (RRI, Bengaluru)
Panchali Nag (St. Xavier’s College Kolkata) Seismic Modelling of CoRoT star VII Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Rahul Makhijani (IIT, Mumbai) An Approach to Photoluminescence Spectra of InAs quantum dots VII Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Anindya Sengupta (IISER, Kolkata) Dynamic Aspects of Axisymmetric Accretion VII Arnab Ray (Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guna)
*Soumyajit Bose (IIT, Kanpur) Dynamic Aspects in Accretion Processes VII Arnab Ray (Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guna)
*Debashis Saha
(IISER, Kolkata)
Quantum Communication Protocols VII Prasanta Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata)
Tamaghna Hazra (IIT, Kanpur) Red Giant Asteroseismology VII Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Jayant Thatte (IIT, Chennai) Red Giant Asteroseismology VII Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
P. Shruthi Physics of Neutrino mass mixing and oscillation VI D.P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Himanshu Raj Solar Neutrinos and Neutrino oscillations VI D.P. Roy (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Sukhdeep Singh Dark Matter in Galaxies And IV VI J. Chengalur (NCRA, Pune)
Jishnu Bhattacharya (IIT, Kanpur) Asteroseismic Analysis Of Solar Type Stars VI Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Rishab Ramani (IIT, Madras) Quantum Systems and Disorders VI Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Sourav Sen (IISER, Kolkata) Nonlinear Variations in Spherically Symmetric Accretion VI Arnab Ray (Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology, Guna)
Tushar Shrotiya (IISER, Pune) Asteroseismic analysis of solar type stars VI Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Akshay Subramaniam (IIT Madras) Asteroseismic analysis of solar type stars VI Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Mohit Ashwani (Patna Science College) A study of Complex Energy Systems with Basic Potential Wells VI

Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)

Harish Ravishankar (IIT,  Chennai) Experimental Study with Simple DC Motors


Rajesh Khaparde (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Pratyush Pandey (IIT, Kanpur) Unconventional Applications of Information Theory V Prasanta Panigrahi (IISER Kolkata)
*Mohammad Sharique (Christ Church College, Kanpur) The Study of Spherical and Chromatic Aberration of Lenses V Mansih Kapoor (Christ Church College, Kanpur)
*Saket Patkar (IIT, Bombay)

A Non-Hermitian Circular Billiard

V Sudhir Jain (BARC, Mumbai)
Abhinav Sinha (IIT, Bombay) Electronic Structure of a 2D QD V

Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)

Saumya (St. Stephen’s College, Delhi) Landau Theory of phase transition V Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Joe Philip Ninan Photometric analysis of Mcneils nebula V D. Ojha (TIFR, Mumbai)
Viraj B. Deshpande (IIT,Bombay) Seismic Dignostics for B Cephei Stars V Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Sakshi Jain (IIT, Bombay) Square Quantum Conservation through non-destructive discrimination of highly entangled multipartite state V Prasanta Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata)
Name of student Title of Project Batch Mentor/(s)
Raghu Mahajan (IIT, Delhi) Effective Mass Theory of a Two-Dimensional Quantum Dot in the Presence of Magnetic Field IV Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Vinay Uppal (IIT, Bombay) Exploring Black Hole Physics via Dimensional Analysis IV Vijay Singh (formerly
HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Swetamber Prakash Das (Patna Science College) On the Lorenz Model and the Complex Lorenz  Model IV Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)

Asutosh Kumar (Patna Science College)

Chaotic Pendulums IV Sumita Singh (Patna Science College, Patna) and Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Utsav Mishra (Christ Church College) Development of Innovative and High end Optics for Undergraduate Students: The Study of Dispersion IV Manish Kapoor (Christ Church College, Kanpur)
*Shubahjit Paul (Malad College, West Bengal) Galactic Matler Distribution: Where is the Dark Matter IV Ajay Patwardhan (formerly St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai)
Siddharth Prabhu (IIT, Kharagpur) Asteroseismology as a pointer to solar abundances IV Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Lovy Singhal (IIT, Kanpur) Asteroseismology as a pointer to solar abundances IV Anwesh Mazumdar (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Ajit C. Balram Study of some unexplored aspects of three experiments in physics IV D. A. Desai (D. G. Ruparel College, Mumbai)
Himanshu Asnani (IIT, Bombay) Ben Daniel – Duke Boundary Condition: A Two Dimensional Analysis III Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Dr. Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Akashdeep Kamra (IIT, Kanpur) Coulomb Blockade Distribution for a Disordered Ensemble of Quantum Dots III Vijay Singh (formerly
HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Sreraman Murlidharan (Loyola College, Chennai) Quantum-Information Splitting Using Multipartite Cluster States III Prasanta K. Panigrahi (IISER, Kolkata)
K. K. Chaitanya (IIT, Kanpur) Quantum Effects of Fullerenes in Earth’s Gravitational Field II Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai) and Praveen Pathak (HBCSE, Mumbai)
Balchandra Suri (IIT, Kharagpur) Effective Mass Theory in Nanostructures II Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Anish Kumar Kaushal (Govt. Mahindra College, Patiala) Superconducting Vortices Based Memory Devices II Ajay Patwardhan (formerly St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai)
Sudeep Kamath (IIT, Bombay) The Mossbauer Effect II Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Anjul Patney (IIT, Delhi) Computational Study of Semiconductor Clusters I Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Prateek Gupta (IIT, Bombay) LCAO Approach to Nanostructures I Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Garima Saraswat (Govt. Science College, Raipur) Quantum Transmission in Periodic Potential I Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Abhishek Lakhina (St. Xavier College, Mumbai) Monte Carlo Evaluation of Mathematical Constants I Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Luv Kumar (IIT, Bombay) Effective Mass Theory Approach to Quantum Dots I Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Tarun Grover (IIT, Kanpur) Size Dependence of the Mossbauer Effect in One Dimension I Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
Oscar Castellino (St. Xavier College, Mumbai) Scaling Laws in Biological Phenomena I Vijay Singh (formerly HBCSE, Mumbai)
*Angik Sarkar (IIT, Kharagpur) Quantum Logic Processor I Ajay Patwardhan (formerly St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai)

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